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Parenting Partnerships: The Marriage-Free Way to Have, Share, and Prioritize Your Child

Frank Vega

Even in today’s disposable, cringey, ghost-heavy world, many single people deeply desire the life-changing joy of having children, but dating and marriage in modern megacities is a real-life nightmare.

Learn the gritty ins-and-outs in this tell-all, how-to about the soon-to-be-mainstream alternative parenting lifestyle of Parenting Partnerships!

So many tipping points have been tripped, you absolutely need to know where dating, marriage, and modern parenting are truly heading. Get educated about the macro-trends that are killing your chances and causing the 80% failure rate of marriage from the serial entrepreneur who cracked the code on modern dating, Parenting Partnerships and traditional marriage!!

Is the growing community of Parenting Partners the replacement for the inefficiencies of dating, the malaise of marriage and the solution to the modern world’s baby bust? We wanted kids, we got them. You want a child, we’ll show you a path to parental happiness!

Parenting Partnerships: The Marriage-Free Way to Have, Share, and Prioritize Your Child

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About the Author:

Passionate to a fault, dedicated to saving love-starved singles all over the planet, the human with the lowest tolerance for sub-par relationships, author, speaker and serial entrepreneur Frank Vega shares his near to unbelievable story of succeeding in not one, but two highly successful Parenting Partnerships which didn’t reduce his ability to capture his one true love, but brought him to a higher level and got him his dream relationship!

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