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Raising Kids to be Brave, Smart & Kind: Parenting with Purpose

PJ Brady

Courage, Critical Thought, and Kindness

Many years ago, when I was a young father of little girls, I told myself I had two choices; I could raise them on accident OR raise them with purpose. Noting how loaded the word “beautiful” is for women, I decided to redefine the word with three foundational values I found to be significant AND slowly eroding in the world: brave, smart and kind (BSK).


What happened next was unexpected. As I traveled the world speaking about values to business leaders, they began using BSK not only in their organizations but also in their homes. Then BSK was picked up by teachers and schools. They all found what I found; a meaningful way to engage with my family, my community, and myself.


The success and power of BSK is in its simplicity and undeniable roots in humanity. Once you understand the BSK framework, you start to see how you succeed, why you fail, and most importantly how to use it to raise kids with greater purpose. Once you find your own Brave, Smart, & Kind, you’ll see it’s been there all along.

Raising Kids to be Brave, Smart & Kind: Parenting with Purpose

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PJ Brady
About the Author:

PJ Brady is a loving and occasional pain-in-the-ass father. A leadership trainer by trade, PJ is the Founder of The Brave Smart Kind Company which brings courage, critical thought, and kindness into organizations, schools, and families. American by birth, he lives in Belgium with his wife, three daughters, and his favorite child, Bernadette, his 100 lbs. Bernese Mountain Dog.

Learn more about The Brave Smart Kind Company on their website:

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